Making a filter holder for the Holga

Making a filter holder for the Holga medium format camera.

I've been reading about getting a filter holder for my 'new' #Holga and it's all, 'screw a 46mm step up ring into the front of the lens, it'll fit!' But I wanted something non-destructive. 

Then I remembered I had made a filter holder out of a #Diana lens cap from #Lomography and wondered if that might fit. And guess what? It's the perfect size.

The Diana holder is a little deeper than the Holga so will need some trimming, but I have a spare and it looks like it will work a treat.

#Holga, #film, #FilmIsNotDead, #Lomography, #AnaloguePhotography, #MediumFormat, #Filter, #HolgaPhotography, #HolgaCamera,
