Today I've been experimenting with #shittytrichrome, 03 December 2022

Today I've been experimenting with #shittytrichrome, 03 December 2022

Today I thought I would try some digital trichromes with the Sony Mavica MVC-FD81.

To make trichromes I set the camera to black and white and took three photographs, using the red, green and blue filters. The images were processed with GIMP photo editor.

The final trichromes were quite successful. They lacked the 'pop' of modern trichromes but had a certain '70s' aesthetic that I quite liked.

I also experimented with making some trichromes with the ultra-cheap Instax colour filters bought for the #ShittyCameraChallenge #InstantRegret. Although the filters were red, green and blue, they really were unsuitable for trichromes, though the faux-sepia result had a certain appeal.

#trichrome, #tree, #monochrome, #composite, #rgb, #filter, #filters, #channels, #infrared, #digital, #photography, #experimental, #FloppyDiskSquad,
