The May 2023 #CameraChallenge: A Day in Aveiro (Part 2), 22 May 2023

The May 2023 #CameraChallenge: A Day in Aveiro (Part 2), 22 May 2023

From the Melia Ria Hotel I headed towards the Parque de Infante Dom Pedro, the  city Park. Passing the  Igreja Paroquial de Nossa Senhora da Glória, the Catedral de Aveiro, I paused to photograph the columns outside the cathedral before carrying on to the park.

My original plan was to photograph the bridge crossing the road to the Parque Infantil, but I had to wait to cross the road and I thought I would take a detour and walk through the park. And I'm glad I did, because tucked away amidst the trees was the most wonderful bandstand. Of course, I had to stop and it was perfect for a digital aerochrome. 

From the park I wandered around to the circular pedestrian bridge, the Ponte dos Botirões, before returning to the railway station via the Aven Dr. Lourenço Peixinho and its long-abandoned construction. 

#CameraChallenge, #Photography, #Infrared, #Architecture, #FullSpectrum, #Monochrome, #720nm, #InfraredBlackAndWhite, #Panasonic, #Lumix, #Trichrome, #Aerochrome,
