More through the viewfinder photography (TTV) in Carris, 13 July 2023

More through the viewfinder photography (TTV) in Carris, 13 July 2023

Eager for more TTV photography with the Ferrania Elioflex pseudo TLR camera and Nikon Coolpix S8000 digicam combination I took the Contraption out into the woods behind our house. 

I'm really liking this technique, even though it's been a long time since I've used a TLR and am still getting used to the viewing image on the screen being reversed. One thing I have started doing is flipping the images in processing so that subjects are as they appear in 'real life', not in the viewfinder. 

#ThroughTheViewfinder, #Nikon, #TwinLensReflex, #WaistLevelFinder, #TTV, #Ferriana, #Contraption,
