A few trichromes for Jankuary with the Canon Powershot A720, 01 January 2024

A few trichromes for Jankuary with the Canon Powershot A720, 01 January 2024

After far too many dull and miserable days over the festive period, together with a nasty bout of flu, it was fitting that on New Year's Day the sky cleared and the sun came out. I had been unable to take my last monthly film for the Frugal Film Project, but today I was determined to take the flipped lens Agfa Clack and try a last few trichromes.

It's also Jankuary, a celebration of old digital and film technology, so along with the Agfa Clack I took with me the Canon Powershot A720, an 8MP digicam from 2008. Since I picked it up for a bargain I've really enjoyed using this little camera and it's certainly become one of my favourites with which to try out new things. 

My technique  of choice with rhe Canon has been intentional camera movement but today, since the weather was so nice, I thought that as I was doing some trichromes with the Agfa Clack I would try some digital aerochromes and trichromes with the Canon. My subjects today were views from Águas Boas, the neighbouring village over the motorway. 

Before I went out I made sure the camera was set to black and white mode and used the 'program' mode. I took photographs with normal red, green, and blue filters. I also took some images with the 720nm Infrared filter. After my impromptu session, back home I used GuIMP photo editor to stack and process the files. For the digital aerochromes I used the technique of Joshua Bird. 

The trichromes were a little variable, with the different intensity of the sun, but the second trichrome of the session came out really well. On the other hand, though, the digital aerochromes were wonderful. My personal favourite was of the bandstand, though the green paint came out an odd blue colour. The digital aerochrome of the church in Águas Boas came out murky, but the light for that one was a little cloudy.

#ShittyDigital, #Canon, #Powershot, #Digicam, #Urban, #DigitalCamera, #Photography, #Camera, #Retro, #Vintage, #TrichromeEverything, 
