World Pinhole Photography Day 2024 with the Thingyfy Pinhole Pro S

World Pinhole Photography Day 2024 with the Thingyfy Pinhole Pro S

About a month ago was World Pinhole Day, and although I submitted my entry to the WPPD website I forgot to make a post to remind me of my little sojourn in the fields behind our house. 

I happen to have the worst pinhole lens ever created, perhaps the worst lens ever created, the Thingyfy Pinhole Pro S. The Thingyfy is an 11mm focal length pinhole lens with a 120° wide-angle field of view and an engineered fixed 0.14mm aperture. Admittedly it's a lovely piece of engineering,  and it fits nicely onto the micro four-thirds mirrorless cameras, but the images are really 'soft' and there is also a very heavy vignette. But that does provide an opportunity to try and play up to its faults.

I can't in all honesty produce work to the quality of many true Pinhole photographers out there, but I can take advantage of the godawful flare and introduce a little Intentional Camera Movement to make some lovely little abstracts. Setting the correct exposure is simply by looking at the image on the LED screen and adjusting the shutter speed. Generally I aim for something quite short, 1/100s or thereabouts, but today I was looking for a darker look in the shadows and for that but of motion about 1/15s. I also wanted to use the amazing lens flare that this lens can produce, so I spent some time under the tree canopy and in the shadows collecting lens flare and a little ICM. It was fun.

#WorldPinholeDay, #Digital, #Thingyfy, #PinholePro, #Experimental,
