Abstract Fantasies: Nice night for a walk, eh?

Abstract Fantasies: Nice night for a walk, eh?

Often when I'm out I try to take photographs mimicking the work of the Croatian photographer, Olga Karlovac, who uses motion blur and high contrast to produce blurry urban abstracts 

Normally I use my Shitty compliant Canon Powershot A720, or more recently the G12 with a neutral density filter, but last night after dinner I had none of that, just my smartphone. Oh, well. Needs must.

The smartphone camera was switched to black and white mode and as we walked around the block to help digest a heavy meal I lined up the shot on the LCD then, as I was taking the image, flicked my wrist slightly. 

Most of them were really disappointing, but I liked a couple of the images, so here they are.

#ICM, #IntentionalCameraMovement, #Exposure, #Creative, #Artistic, #Effect, #Motion, #Blur, #Image, #Abstract, #Urban,
